Curriculum Vitae              JAMES PAXTON STODDER                November 2022,,  







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Fellowship, Instructor



# of Citations




“             ”

Thesis with Distinction

Essex (UK)






“             ”

Cum Laude






 Current Positions: Research Fellow, Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University

Research Associate, Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi), Solvay Business School, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles

Visiting Professor of the Practice (Retired), Administrative Science, Metropolitan College, Boston University

Areas:    Environmental Economics, Monetary Economics, Law & Economics, Econometrics

Languages: Spanish (good); Russian (fair); French and Portuguese (basic).

Teaching:  Assistant Professor (1990-96), Rensselaer Polytechnic, Troy, NY – MBA Business Economics; graduate Microeconomics; undergraduate Economics, Econometrics.

Clinical Assistant Professor (1997-2002), Rensselaer-Hartford – MBA courses in Business and International Economics, Finance, Econometrics.

Clinical Associate Professor (2003-11), Rensselaer-Hartford – MBA courses to Students at IBM, UTC, GE, ABB, Pfizer, General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, Northwest Utilities, Stanley Tool.  Macro, Micro, and International at Coast Guard Academy. Risk-Assessment course for People’s Bank of China and Tianjin Economic Development Area, 2007.

Professor of Practice (2011- 2016), Rensselaer-Hartford; helped develop International Scholars Program in Spain, Italy, and China.  Helped design Executive MBA (EMBA) and Business Analytics programs. Organized class and forums on Energy and Environment:

Visiting Professor (2016-2017), School of Business, Quinnipiac University.  Courses in Financial Accounting, Investment Analysis, Business Statistics & Econometrics.

              Visiting Professor of the Practice (2017-2020), Department of Administrative Science, Metropolitan College, Boston University. Courses in Financial Regulation, Econometrics, Logistics, Operations, International Economics.


 Refereed Publications:      

1)    w. Bernard Lietaer, (2016) “The Macro-Stability of Swiss WIR-Bank Spending: Balance, Velocity, and Leverage,” Comparative Economic Studies, Dec., 58(4), 570-605,   

2)      “The Strange Persistence of Consumer Surplus,” (2013) Applied Economics Letters, May, 20(11), 1096-1099,

3)    w. Houman Younessi, (2013) “Transparency and credible commitment: most-favored-customer provisions and the sustainability of price discrimination,” International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 6(3), pp.275–300,

4)      w. Chandler et al., (2011) “Innovation & recoverable slack interaction: How does it affect firm performance?” Advances in Business Research, 2(1), 1-15.   

5)    “Complementary Credit Networks and Macro-Economic Stability: Switzerland’s Wirtschaftsring,” (2009)  

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, October, 79-95,

6)      w. Basuchoudhary et al. (2008), “Price Discrimination and Resale: A Classroom Experiment,” Journal of Economic Education,

7)      “Strategic Voting and Coalitions: Condorcet and Ben-Gurion,” (2005), International Review of Economic Education, 4(2),

8)      “Corporate Barter and Macroeconomic Stabilization,” (1998) International Journal of Community Currencies, 2(1),

9)      “Experimental Moralities: The Ethics of Classroom Experiments,” (1998) Journal of Economic Education, 29(2),

10)   “Double-Surnames and Gender Equality: A Proposition and the Spanish Case,” (1998) Journal of Com-parative Family Studies, 35(3), August.

11)   “Complexity Aversion: Simplification in the Herrnstein and Allais Behaviors,” (1997), Eastern Economic Journal, 23(1).

12)   “The Evolution of Externality Rights: Flexibility versus Ambiguity,” (1996), European Journal of Law and Economics, March.

13)   “The Evolution of Complexity in Primitive Economies: Theory,” (1995) Journal of Comparative Economics, 20(1), February.

14)   “The Evolution of Complexity in Primitive Economies: Empirical Tests,” (1995), Journal of Comparative Economics, 20(2), May.

15)   “Ex-Communist Economics: Capital Reform,” (1993) New York Economic Review, Fall.

16) “Equity Efficiency Preferences in Poland and the Soviet Union: Order Reversals under the Atkinson Index,” (1991), Review of Income and Wealth, 37(3), September.


Working Papers:

 1) "Carbon Tax on Three Fossil Fuels," World Energy and Environment Technology (WEENTCH) Conference, Edingurbh, Scotland, August 16, 2018, 

2) “US-Russia Climatic Cooperation: Carbon Pricing, Arctic Shipping,” presented December 2017 at School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia, and at 2nd World Conference on Comparative Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia, June, 2017.

3) “Social Currencies Can Strengthen Financial Stability: Lessons from the Swiss,” IV International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies,” Barcelona, Spain, May 10-14, 2017.

4) “The Penguin’s Other Coase: Network Externalities and New Intellectual Property Rights,” Eastern Economic Association Meetings, February, 2009.

5) “Computational Efficiency and Macroeconomic Stability under Centralized Exchange: Evidence from Swiss and US Exchange Data,” Society for Computational Economics at conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Washington, D.C., June 2005.

6) “Complexity Measures and Macroeconomic Stability of Centralized and Decentralized Exchange: Evidence from Cross-Cultural Anthropological Data,” Society for Computational Economics at conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Washington, D.C., June 2005.

7)     Peter Schroth and Preeti Sharma, co-authors, "Transparency and Information Technology: Toward an Relationship" International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference, London, April 2003; recipient of conference "Highly Commended" award.

8) “Consumer Confidence and Income Inequality,” presented at the XII World Congress of the International Economics Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August, 1999.


 Other Publications:  

On Economic Systems and Public Finance

1) “US Whistleblower Law Should Be Amended,” (April 2019) Boston Business Journal, 

2) with Christophe Place, Antonin Calderon, and Isidor Wallimann, (2018) "Swiss impact currency: improving the impact of currency systems for a sustainable economy in Switzerland." International Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR), 22(2), Summer: 85-104.

3) “Connecticut Can Lead on a Carbon Tax,” op-ed in New Haven Register, April 30, 2017,

4) “US and Russia: Arctic Thaw,” op-ed in Juneau Empire, Alaska’s capital daily newspaper, Feb. 24, 2017,

5)   with Alina Zapalska, Alina and Erik Wingrove-Haugland, “Female Micro-entrepreneurship: The Key to Economic Growth and Development in Islamic Economies,” 2016, chapter in Entrepreneurship and Management in an Islamic Context, edited by Veland Ramadani, Springer Publishers,

6)   with Bernard Lietaer, co-author, “WIR Currency – Reinventing Social Exchange,” 2015, a chapter in Patterns of Commoning, edited by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich,

7)     with Josep Lluis de la Rosa, “On Velocity in Several Complementary Currencies,” International Journal of Community Currencies, V. 19, Feb. 2015,

8)     “Who pays for the Energy Transition?” op-ed, Manchester Journal-Inquirer, Nov. 26, 2013.

9)     “Seeing Right through Our Own Great Wall,” op-ed, Hartford Courant, April 14, 2009. 

10)      “A Bailout that Puts Taxpayers First,” op-ed, Hartford Courant, October 2, 2008.

11)    “China: Threat and Opportunity,” Hartford Courant (Sunday Commentary, September 23, 2007. 

12)     Better thinking, Better Results: Case Study and Analysis of an Enterprise-Wide Lean Transformation, co-authored with Bob Emiliani, Lawrence Grasso, and David Stec, Center for Lean Business Management, 2007 (2nd Edition), and 2003 (1st Edition).  Won Shingo Prize for Research on Lean Management: 

13)     "Reciprocal Exchange Networks: Implications for Macroeconomic Stability," Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Engineering Management Society, Aug., Albuquerque, NM.

14)  “Redistributive Liberalism,” Economic Systems, Osteuropa Institut, University of Munich, (March 1998).

15)   "Human Computability and the Institutions of Exchange," chapter in Economy & Society:  Money, Capitalism and Transition, Fikret Adaman and Pat Devine, Eds. Karl Polanyi Institute, Concordia University, Montreal: 2001.

16)   w. Paul Phillips, “Market Socialism”, Encyclopedia of Political Economy, edited by Philip O’Hara, London: 

        Routledge, 1998.

17)   Beyond Capitalism: Towards a New World Economic Order, by Cowling and Sugden, St. Martin’s Press, 1994, book review, Comparative Economic Studies (Fall 1995).

18)   Soviet Industry from Stalin to Gorbachev, by Joseph Berliner, Cornell U. Press, 1988, reviewed in Slavic Studies (Winter 1991). 

19)  Editorial Board, Journal of Business in Developing Nations, 2001-present: 


On Experimental Economics and Complexity

1)     “Putting Induction Back: Economics without the 'Con' of Pure Deduction.” chapter in, Complexity and the Teaching of Economics, published by Edgar Elgar Press, UK (2000); with contributions by Brian Arthur, Bill Brock, David Colander, Fred Pryor, Deirdre McCloskey, Barkley Rosser, Michel Rothschild.

2)      “A Comparative Advantage Experiment,” in Classroom Experiments: A User’s Guide, Greg Delemeester and John Neral (eds.) Houghton & Miflin Co. (1995).

3)      “An Experiment on Externality Rights,” Classroom Expernomics (Spring 1996),

4)      “What is Being Taught in Voluntary Contribution Experiments?” Classroom Expernomics (Fall 1994),

5)      “A Simple Experiment in Comparative Advantage,” Classroom Expernomics (Spring 1994),



 On Connecticut & Regional Economies

1)       “No Layoffs of State Workers Good for State Economy,” op-ed, Hartford Courant, August 16, 2011.

2)       “Criminals Love Pot Prohibition,” op-ed, New Haven Register, April 27, 2011.

3)       “Tax Hikes Less of a Drain than Spending Cuts,” op-ed, Hartford Courant, April 20, 2011

4)       “Connecticut’s Property Tax Burden: Asking the Right Questions,” commissioned by American State, County, and Municipal EmployeesCouncil 4.  Presented to State Legislature, February 14, 2008.    

5)       “Property Tax Cap Would Perpetuate Inequalities,” Hartford Courant, Feb. 6, 2008.

6)       “Connecticut’s ‘Tax Expenditures’ -- spending Best Left in the Dark?” Testimony before State Legislature Joint Finance Committee, April 2005,

7)       “How Regressive are Connecticut Property Taxes?" The Connecticut Economy, (Fall 2002),

8)       “Have Most People Benefited from the Recovery?” The Connecticut Economy, Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis (Winter 1998),

9)       “Rough Recovery: Connecticut’s Trend of Widening Economic Inequality,” The Commonwealth Institute, 

        Cambridge, Massachusetts, (March 1998).

10)   “Connecticut’s ‘Recovery’: More Hype than Hope,” Hartford Courant (July 8, 1997).

11)   “Corporate Tax Reform: Small Companies, Small State,” Hartford Courant (April 15, 1996).

12)   “In the Age of Smart Weapons, Can Connecticut’s Defense Industry Play Smart?” Manchester Journal-Inquirer 

         (April 12, 1996).

13)   “Connecticut’s Workforce: Our Vanishing Future?” Manchester Journal-Inquirer (November 1995).

14)   “The Case for Holding Run-off Elections,” Litchfield County Times (January 1995)

15)   “To Decide Who Gets the Nuclear Waste,” Hartford Courant (July 1991).


Expert Testimony, Consulting, Community Service, Public Lectures

1)   “Big Data, Privacy, and Rights,” Discussion on “Where We Live,” WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio, July 13, 2015.    

2)     “Global Warming Could Change Your Lifestyle,” Discussion on Pope Francis’s Environmental  Encyclical, Colin McEnroe Show, WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio, June 13, 2015.    

3)     “Raising the Minimum Wage,” Discussion on Colin McEnroe Show, WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio, March 5, 2014,

4)     “Big Data is Taking Over, Here’s Why Intuition Still Matters,” Discussion on Colin McEnroe Show, WNPR – Connecticut Public Radio, February 20, 2013,

5)     “The Green Golden Rule of Environmental Sustainability: Economic Analysis”, Presentation to Korean Institute for Energy Economics, Seoul Korea, Nov. 2013.

6)      “The New World of Big Data,” Presentation in RPI Webinar Series, January 2013.

7)      “Macro-Stability of WIR-Bank Spending,” Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics Conference, Zurich Switzerland, April 2012.

8)      “Macro-Stability of WIR-Bank Spending,” 1st International Conference on Community Currencies, Lyon France, April 2011.

9)      “Macro-Stability of WIR-Bank Spending”, invited presentation, European Center for Microfinance,, Solvay Business School, University of Brussels, June 2010.

10)   “Pollution Taxes vs. Tradable Permits,” Presentation, RPI Webinar Series, September 2011.

11)   “Data Mining: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Presentation, RPI Brown Bag Series, June 2011.

12)   Consulting to Connecticut Education Association on economic crisis and teachers’ union strategy within the state, summer 2009. 

13)   Guest on “The Corner” Radio Show, interviewed by Phil Mikan on economic crisis, WDRC-AM 1360, Feb. 24, 2009.

14)    Interviewed on WTIC-AM 1080 NewsTalk segment, Colin McEnroe Show, Dec. 2, 2008.  

15)    Public Lecture on Financial Crisis, Rensselaer-Hartford, Nov. 16, 2008.  Covered on Hartford’s major talk radio channel, WTIC (1060 AM).

16)    Interviewed, quoted by Hartford Courant reporter Stan Simpson, Oct. 22, 2008.

17)    “A Bailout that Puts Taxpayers First,” op-ed, Hartford Courant, October 2, 2008.

18)    Guest on WTIC-AM 1080 Morning Show, interviewed by Ray Dunaway, Sept. 30, 2008.

19)    Press Conference on my Property Tax Study (see #1, previous section) Feb. 14, 2008, Legislative Office Building.  Introduction by Sal Luciano, President of CT-AFSCME and member of Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Property Tax, and Ned Lamont, now Governor of Connecticut.

20)   President, Hartford Area Business Economists, 2005-06, (affiliated with national organization:

21)   Review Board for “Club of Rome” Report, Our Future Economy: Money & Sustainability, the Missing Link, by Bernard Lietaer and Stefan Brunnhuber:

22)    Invited Testimony before Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, Connecticut General Assembly, on Connecticut’s “Tax Expenditures,” April 2005.

23)  Member of the Critical Review Panel for major study of land use planning in the state, funded by the Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford: Connecticut Metro-patterns: A Regional Agenda for Community and Prosperity in Connecticut, by Myron Orfield and Thomas Luce, Metropolitan Area Research Corp., 2003.  (See Connecticut listing: 

24)  Research on Professional Education, Connecticut Economic Resources Center, Fall 2000.  Paper presented at IEEE Engineering Management Conference, Cambridge (UK), August 2002: "Educational Supply & Demand for STEM."

25)   Chief economic advisor to Bill Curry, Democratic Nominee for Governor, Connecticut, 2002.

26)   Led panels at conferences of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner, 2000 and 2001.

27)  Pro Bono work with Attorney Katherine Emmett of Stamford, CT, on behalf of relatives of September 11th victims, Federal Victims’ Compensation Panel, 2003.

28)   Written and oral testimony in labor arbitration cases for United Auto Workers (UAW), American  Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees (AFSCME), New England Health Care Employees, CT Educational Association (CEA), CT State Employees Association  (CSEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Conference of CT Community Colleges (CCCC), 1993 to 2012.

29)  Written and oral testimony in employment and pension cases for attorneys Henry Murray of Hartford, CT (2000), Katherine Emmett of Stamford, CT (1999-2003), David Golub of Stamford, CT (Silver, Golub & Teitell, LLC,  2003-16), Alfredo Krzys of Hartford, CT (2000-06), Vincent Amizia of Long Island, NY (2005-2015), Doreen Shindel of Long Island, NY (2010), and Daniel Livingston of Hartford, CT (2007-12).

30) Testimony on poverty and inequality on behalf of Connecticut Voices for Children, before the Joint Finance Committee of the Connecticut State Legislature, 1998-2001


Teaching Initiatives

1)   Developed new course on Risk & Econ Analysis of Energy & Environmental Projects, MANE 6960, 2014.

2)   Business Analytics program for Hartford campus, courses in Regression, Time Series, and Financial Econometrics, 2013-14.

3)   Helped launch Executive MBA (EMBA) program with students from major corporations, 2013 

4)   Introduced new course on Financial Econometrics, 2008.

5)   Ph.D. committee for candidate IIT-Roorkee (Indian Inst. of Technology), 2008.

6)   Anti-Plagiarism initiative, empirical study and pilot program for submitting student essays to, now to Blackboard (fall 2007 to present). Substantial drop in plagiarism observed. 


Student Projects Supervised:

1)      Expenditure tracking spreadsheet for Town of Fairfield, CT, 2015.

2)      Database for Ready to Empower, project for building economic self-sufficiency for Costa Rican women: 
, 2015.

3)    Database for Boys Club:, 2014.

4)      Database for INROADS interns: , 2014.

5)      Database for updating operations “dashboard” for Community Partners in Action (CPA), a long-established CT non-profit to help re-integrate ex-convicts into the community: , 2013.

 Courses Taught RPI Course Catalog name, #, and description at:  A more generic name is given in parentheses and italics; approximate number of times course taught over last 20 years.


Undergraduate or Mixed Grad/Undergraduate Courses:

MGMT-7730 Economics and Institutions (Managerial Economics), 30 times

MGMT-6190 Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting, 8 times, also @

              Quinnipiac and BU

MGMT-6290 Macroeconomic & International Environment of Business (International

             Economics), 15 times

MGMT-6340 Financial Markets and Institutions, mixed, 8 times, last Spring 2016

MGMT-8115 Macroeconomic Principles (Introductory Macro) (Coast Guard Academy), 6 times, last

Fall 2015

MGMT-8217 Micro Principles (Introductory Micro) (Coast Guard Academy), 3 times, last Spring 2015

MGMT-2100 Statistical Methods (Business Statistics), 1 time

ECON -6560 Introduction to Econometrics, mixed, 1 time

MGMT-6360 International Finance, 1 time (2016), mixed, 1 time (2016), similar toMGMT-6290

ECON -4110 Economic Analysis of Technological Change, 1 time (2016), similar toMGMT-7030, 6730

ECON -4965 Economics of Financial Institutions & Markets, 1 time (2016), similar toMGMT-6290


Graduate Courses:

MGMT-6390 International Operations, 5 times

MGMT-7030 Strategy, Technology, and Competition I and II (Industrial Organization) 8 times

MGMT-6730 Technological Change & International Competitiveness (Industrial Organization), 5 times

MGMT-6400 Financial Econometrics Modeling (Applied Econometrics), 8 times, also @ BU, Quinnipiac

MGMT-610   Business Decision Analysis (Business Statistics, Quinnipiac University), 2 times

MGMT-6020 Financial Management I, 5 times

MGMT-6030 Financial Management II, 5 times

MGMT-7740 Accounting for Reporting and Control, 4 times

MGMT-7710 Cultural Environment of International Business, 4 times

MGMT-7750 Global Business and Social Responsibility (Business Ethics), 4 times

ECON - 4310 Law and Economics (Financial Regulation and Ethics, Boston University), 12 times

MANE- 6960 (Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering) Risk & Economic Analysis of Energy and

             Environmental Projects (Environmental Economics), 2 times (2014, 2016), but many seminars

and presentations

ISYE-4250 Facilities Design and Industrial Logistics (Strategic Logistics Management (also @ BU), 4
